Sunday, 2 April 2017

Sukin's Everyday Shampoo and Condtioner

First and foremost - I am a terrible blogger. I have not posted anything in over a month! Don't worry I haven't died - I have an excuse. I am in my last few months of my degree and have so much work to do, that adding a blog post on top actually terrified me. I just feel like I don't have the time. Don't worry though, this summer I am dedicating myself to writing, and you should (emphasis on the should) see much more of me.

My Sukin 500ml bottles, feat.
Seascape Island Apothecary Unwind Body Wash 
from my March Lovelula Beauty Box
Anyway, back to the real reason I'm posting.

Let's fade back to February time. I went to TKMaxx, as is a regular jaunt for me, and decided to walk to my favourite part - the makeup section. I love going there, it always has cruelty free and vegan brands for the cheap. No idea about you, but I love cheap makeup! Not only do they have makeup, but they also have vegan hair products!

One of the brands that they always stock is Sukin, one of my favourite brands for affordable vegan cosmetics. They're an Aussie brand, of which I am currently also using their Super Greens Nutrient Rich Facial Moisturiser - I'll be honest, it used to sting when my face was really dry but now, it actually feels amazing and my skin feels amazing.

Mid-Shower pictures! Left is the Shampoo
Right is the Conditioner. 
The Shampoo and Conditioner are part of their everyday set, because I do wash my hair every day. The Clarifying Shampoo and Nourishing Conditioner are exactly that. My hair feels amazing. It was a bit of  a struggle to figure out how much of each to use, and for a few days I did have slightly greasier hair.
It's still aloe vera based, like the one I was using before, but Sukin is a 100% vegan brand which I feel much happier using. Aloe Vera is really good for my hair, if I don't use aloe in it my hair becomes quite dry and frizzy at the bottom - now it curls properly and feels very soft. Not only that but my scalp doesn't itch as much as it did - I am unfortunately a person with dry skin and greasy hair.

As someone who has dyed hair, this shampoo is glorious and I will be buying more the next time I venture into TKMaxx (it's thankfully a product that is ALWAYS there).

Have you tried any Sukin? What's your favourite shampoo/conditioner - natural or your trusty drug store brand? Have you ever thought of switching it up before? Leave a comment below!